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New [The Book of Common Prayer]Law & Prophecy
[Ye Are Under The Law] by Harold Stough
[Jacob's Trouble] by Harold Stough
[The Coming of Elijah] by Harold Stough
[Homosexuality And Fellowship] courtesy: CCCC
[The Vision of Daniel] by Robert Thornton
[Law - or Law and Grace] by M Wilkins
[Does God Always Keep His Promises?] by the late Rev D & Mrs J Seekins
[Homosexuality (Alternative Lifestyle or Abomination?)] by Alma Burnett
[God is Love, But What Kind of Love?] by Janice Dowse
[British-Israel, Fact or Fiction?] by Alan Campbell, B.A.
[The Mystery of the Missing Bible Tribes - The Real Diaspora] by Pastor J.S. Brooks
[Did the Vikings Name America?] by Dick Wicken
[The Khazars] by Peter Beter
[What Hath God Wrought] by Harold Stough
[Noah's Flood] by Charles A. Weisman
[No Evolution Here] courtesy: The American Institute of Theology
[The Garden Tomb] courtesy: Kingdom Digest
[The Union Jack] by Douglas C. Nesbit
[Historic Mistake] by A & R Eedle
[Ismael And The Arabs] by J Simms
[Manasseh, the Double-portion Inheritor] by J H Allen, courtesy: Kingdom Digest
[The USA is Manasseh] by John Lovell, courtesy: Kingdom Digest
[Migrations of the Lost Tribes of Israel] by F.M. Nithsdale
[The Huguenots - Rearguard of Westward-moving Israel] by C. G. Soutter
[British-Israel Identity Foundation Truths] by D and JN SeekinsEvangelical
["Evangelical And Congregational"] The Principles of the Congregational Independents
["Savoy Declaration of Faith and Order"] 1833
[English Bible History] by
[The Second Coming] by Harold Stough
[I Believe] by Harold Stough
[What's Gone Wrong?] Anon
[Are Catholics Christians?] Anon
[Once to Die - or Reincarnation?] by D P Grafton
[I am the Resurrection?] by Harold Stough
[The Apostate Church] by S. M. Houghton, M.A.
[What is an Evangelical Christian?] by A. M. Martlew, Dip. Th.
[The Big If] by Harold Stough
[Peter's Vision of the Great Sheet] by Harold Stough
[The False Prophet] by Harold StoughNational Message
[British Israel] by C.A.J. Cream, B.A.
[Christianity and Israel] by Reverend Claud Coffin
[Israel and the Church] by Reverend D McDougall
[Seven-eighths of Bible Misunderstood] by Edward Hine
[No Revival - Why Not?]
[Confessions of a New Version Addict] by A W Tozier
[Suppose The Anglo-Saxons Are Not Israel?] by S. A. Ackley
New [The Two Seedline Teaching Explained] by Ken McFarland
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